On Friday, the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees approved 16 University Research Professors for the 2024-25 academic year. Established by the Board of Trustees in 1976, the professorships program recognizes excellence across the full spectrum of research at UK.
Three CI faculty members were named to CELT's faculty cohort for 2024-25 Teaching Innovation Institute.
The University of Kentucky Nu Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society hosted its annual awards night on Wednesday, April 17 in the W. T. Young Athletic Auditorium
On Friday, April 12, Brain Real, assistant professor in the UK School of Information Science, arranged for a graduate student tour of the Kentucky Department of Libraries and Archives (KDLA) in Frankfort, Kentucky.
Eight CI students were inducted into the University of Kentucky chapter of Alpha Lambda Delta (ALD) National Honor Society on Feb. 28.
Victor Luckerson will discuss “How the Press Shaped the Tulsa Race Massacre and Its Legacy” at 5:15 p.m. Thursday, March 7, in Grand Ballroom A of the Gatton Student Center on the University of Kentucky campus. The lecture is free and open to the public.
Sherali Zeadally, Ph.D., University of Kentucky Alumni Association Endowed Professor and University Research Professor in the College of Communication and Information's School of Information Science, has been named winner of the 2024 SEC Faculty Achievement Award for the university this spring.
The University of Kentucky Office of Land-Grant Engagement has announced that two CI faculty members SIS professor Maria Cahill and ISC assistant professor Sarah Geegan's community engagement projects were two of the nine projects selected for funding.
The University of Kentucky Nu Circle of national leadership honor society Omicron Delta Kappa (OΔK) inducted 43 new members at a ceremony on Sunday, Jan. 21, 2024. OΔK recognizes superior leadership and exemplary character and encourages collaboration among members across the five phases celebrated by the society: scholarship, athletics, service, communications and arts.