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After Breaking Into the TV Industry, UK Alumnus Works on New ABC Show

After graduating from the University of Kentucky in 2013, Luke Reedy took a chance to follow his dreams. He moved to Los Angeles without a job and knew only two people in the area. Today, he works for Warner Bros. as a post-production coordinator.  

6 Outstanding Journalists to be Inducted Into Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame

A total of six journalists who have made contributions to journalism will be inducted into the Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame on April 9. They have worked in the Commonwealth, Texas, South Carolina and Washington, D.C.

NFL Player and Alumnus Eric Scott Found a New Career Path at UK

When Eric Scott (2008, College of Communication and Information) saw his football career come to an end after two years in the National Football League, he knew two things: He wanted to finish his master’s degree, and his future career was not going to have him stuck behind a desk.

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