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From Football to Farming: UK Alum Jacob Tamme Takes on New Challenge

After spending nine seasons in Indianapolis, Denver and Atlanta as a tight end in the National Football League (NFL), former University of Kentucky football star Jacob Tamme decided to take on a new challenge — building and running a farm on his family’s land in Boyle County.

2 Alumni of UK Golf Team Turn Pro at Barbasol Tournament

Playing as a professional athlete in a much-touted PGA golf tournament only weeks after graduating from collegiate competition is exceedingly rare.

Yet, two young-alumni athletes, former members of the University of Kentucky men’s golf team, Tyler “Chip” McDaniel and Cooper Musselman, have achieved that dream. Both will compete in the Barbasol PGA Championship being held July 16-22, at Champions at Keene Trace in Nicholasville, Kentucky.

Teaming Up to Transform Lives of Wounded Veterans

As former University of Kentucky and National Football League (NFL) tight end Jacob Tamme and his wife, Allison, talk about the annual golf tournament they host, Swings for Soldiers, they are quick to recall the moment when they thought they were "one and done."

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