Kyu Ho Youm, media law expert, delivered the 2023 State of the First Amendment Address on Thursday, Nov. 2. The title of the address is “Beyond the First Amendment in the Global Century: Freedom of Speech as America’s Best Export.”

The 2022 State of the First Amendment Address titled "Wizards, Sentinels, and Mods: What Gamers Can Teach Social Media About Free Speech" featured Genelle Belmas from University of Kansas.
The State of the First Amendment Address was held on Thursday, Nov. 17, 2022.

The 2021 State of the First Amendment Address titled "News Reporting and Open Records" featured Tom Miller and Elizabeth Woodford of Miller, Griffin & Marks in Lexington, Kentucky.

The 2020 State of the First Amendment Address titled "The Press of Democracy" was delivered by Stephen Bates of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Monica Dias delivered the 2019 State of the First Amendment Address

The 2017 State of the First Amendment Address was delivered by Judy Clabes.