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The 17th biennial Kentucky Conference on Health Communication (KCHC) is right around the corner, and this year’s conference will honor a scholar who first attended KCHC as a graduate student.
The University of Kentucky Scripps Howard First Amendment Center is looking for a Kentuckian who is a champion of the First Amendment. The center, in the College of Communication and Information’s School of Journalism and Media, is accepting nominations to recognize those outside the journalism profession for their contributions to protect or expand First Amendment freedoms.
“We turn passions into professions” is the new, fitting motto for the University of Kentucky College of Communication and Information. The college — which houses the Department of Communication, the School of Journalism and Media, the Department of Integrated Strategic Communication, the School of Information Science, and the Graduate Program in Communication — provides the building blocks for its students, faculty and staff to be lifelong learners.
Over the summer, Alex Martens, a senior integrated strategic communication major in the University of Kentucky College of Communication and Information and a UK softball player, completed a prestigious internship with Nike Inc. at its World Headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon. UKNow talked to Martens to see what it was like working as a Nike intern.
Tiana Thé, daughter of Jeannie and Hiang Thé, of Lexington, and Juwan Page, son of Betty and Dedrich Page, of Lamar, Mississippi, were crowned the University of Kentucky Homecoming queen and king during halftime ceremonies at the UK vs. Vanderbilt University Homecoming game tonight.
University of Kentucky health communication researcher Don Helme is partnering with the Kentucky Attorney General’s office to gauge public opinion on a new drug deactivation pouch, part of a larger effort to develop solutions to the state’s opioid epidemic.
University of Kentucky senior baseball standout Troy Squires is the winner of the prestigious 2018 Senior CLASS Award. The award honors seniors who excel both on and off the field of play.
This week, it was my distinct pleasure to present the University Research Professorship Awards to 14 members of our faculty who have demonstrated excellence in research and creative work that addresses scientific, social, cultural, economic and health challenges in our region and around the world.

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