The fourth forum, part of a national search for the next dean of the University of Kentucky College of Communication and Information, will take place from 4-5 p.m. today, in the Lexmark Room in the Main Building.
The third of four campus forums, part of a national search for the next dean of the University of Kentucky College of Communication and Information, will take place from 4-5 p.m. today, in the Lexmark Room in the Main Building.
The University of Kentucky College of Communication and Information’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee is sponsoring the Kentucky Diversity Film Festival, which celebrates UK filmmakers in a three-day event, April 16-18 on campus.
On Friday, March 22, the University of Kentucky's Academic Computing Committee (ACC) in collaboration with Teaching, Learning, and Academic Innovation (TLAI) and Information Technology Services (ITS) hosted the Academic Technologies Fair.
The second of four campus forums, part of a national search for the next dean of the University of Kentucky College of Communication and Information, will take place from 4-5 p.m. today, in the Lexmark Room in the Main Building.
The campus community is invited to attend the finals of GradTeach Live! The competition, hosted by the Graduate Student Professional Enhancement Office and the Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching(CELT), highlights the valuable work of graduate teaching assistants.
One of the most important news reporters in the world will deliver the 42nd Joe Creason Lecture in Journalism at the University of Kentucky on the evening of Tuesday, April 16.
Two University of Kentucky women who profoundly contribute to issues that affect women at the university and across the Commonwealth received the 2019 Sarah Bennett Holmes Award Wednesday, March 27, during a luncheon ceremony at the Gatton Student Center Ballroom. Staff recipient was Micaha Hughes and the faculty recipient was Janet Lumpp, both from the College of Engineering.
The University of Kentucky will welcome Beth Macy, an American journalist and New York Times best-selling author, to campus later this month. She is the author of "Dopesick," her widely recognized book that follows the devastating opioid crisis in America, specifically in central Appalachia.