Q&A With Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader and UK Alumna Lily Johnson
Hundreds of women audition, but only a select group will secure spots in the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders training camp. Even fewer actually make it on the team. Lily Johnson, a University of Kentucky College of Communication and Information alumna, is one of those few women.
Accomplished UK Alum, DDB Chairman, to Deliver 2019 Irwin Warren Lecture
The University of Kentucky College of Communication and Information’s Department of Integrated Strategic Communication will present its fourth annual Irwin Warren Lecture in Advertising and Digital Media 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 3, in the William T. Young Library UK Athletics Auditorium.
UK Alumna Tina Harris Lands First Position of its Type in the Nation
Tina M. Harris, who holds a doctorate from the College of Communication and Information at the University of Kentucky, is a teacher, mentor, researcher and is now the chair in race, media and cultural literacy — the first position of its type in the nation. Harris recently joined Louisiana State University’s Manship School of Mass Communication as the Douglas L. Manship Sr.- Dori J. Maynard Endowed Chair of Race, Media, and Cultural Literacy.