August 18, 2017
Now Available in Canvas: UK Libraries New Open Information Literacy Course
By Whitney Hale
University of Kentucky Libraries has developed a self-paced Open Information Literacy course in Canvas, making it even more convenient for instructors to help students begin building solid information literacy skills right out of the gate. The course is open to anyone at UK and is especially easy for instructors to integrate into their classes.
Covering a broad overview of important information literacy topics tailored specifically to UK Libraries, the full course takes about 40 minutes to complete. It can also be broken into separate modules to directly support work on a specific course assignment. Modules are mobile friendly and include text, videos and auto-graded, multiple-choice quizzes that can be imported directly into an instructor's own Canvas course shell. Each module is short, easy to navigate and focused on a specific information literacy concept that may be completed in any order.
To enroll in the course, visit online at Instructors may enroll to review the course first and then have students use the same link to enroll directly for themselves. For questions about the Open Information Literacy course or how to use it, email Beth Kraemer, information literacy librarian, at, or Stacy Greenwell, instructional design librarian, at
For the full range of information literacy and instructional support resources available from UK Libraries, stop by any of the campus libraries or visit online here.
As the premier research library in the Commonwealth, UK Libraries provides ever-expanding access to quality information resources, services and programs. UK Libraries locations include the William T. Young Library, the Agricultural Information Center, the Hunter M. Adams College of Design Library, the Education Library, the John A. Morris Library (Gluck Equine Research Center), the Kentucky Transportation Center Library, the Lucille C. Little Fine Arts Library and Learning Center, the Medical Center Library, the Science and Engineering Library and the Special Collections Research Center.